Originally published in The Mountain Astrologer – Capricorn Sol. 2024 (Issue 229).
Reading for others vs. Reading for yourself
Nettles are from Mars…
No Agenda # 1624 – First win of 2024!
My favourite podcast out there is No Agenda. As far as mainstream media analysis goes, these guys are the best I have ever heard. They promote Value for Value: meaning instead of ad revenue, listeners support the show 100% by providing time, talent or treasure. I often provide artwork for them while listening live; it is a fantastic art exercise! Here is the art I did for episode #1624. This was my first time competing in about a month. I had a busy December 2023 with all the extra Christmas singing, events and being a dad. My piece ‘Podcasts Repent’ was the official selection for this episode!
This piece was the official selection for this episode. They also announced that the last year’s #1 chosen artist was receiving a “Masters of Fine Art” degree from No Agenda. I WANT ONE (I’m coming for you Dame Kenny Ben)! This selection put me at 3rd for the rolling 6 months and 7th for the year. It is truly an honour to have my name up with these other amazing artists!
No Agenda Episode # 1616
My favourite podcast out there is No Agenda. As far as mainstream media analysis goes, these guys are the best I have ever heard. They promote Value for Value: meaning instead of ad revenue, listeners support the show 100% by providing time, talent or treasure. I often provide artwork for them while listening live; it is a fantastic art exercise! Here is the art I did for episode #1616. It was a little early for Christmas stuff, but I had it on the brain because of all the Christmas concerts I had been singing.
No Agenda Episode #1610
My favourite podcast out there is No Agenda. As far as mainstream media analysis goes, these guys are the best I have ever heard. They promote Value for Value: meaning instead of ad revenue, listeners support the show 100% by providing time, talent or treasure. I often provide artwork for them while listening live; it is a fantastic art exercise! Here is the art I did for episode #1610.
American Thanksgiving Episode! I spent most of it working on this sexy turkey pin-up.
Tried to make a cockroach turkey but it is too hard to distinguish all the lines.
No Agenda Episode #1608
My favourite podcast out there is No Agenda. As far as mainstream media analysis goes, these guys are the best I have ever heard. They promote Value for Value: meaning instead of ad revenue, listeners support the show 100% by providing time, talent or treasure. I often provide artwork for them while listening live; it is a fantastic art exercise! Here is the art I did for episode #1608.
I have really started working on creating my own backgrounds from scratch rather than photoshopping existing ones.
Adam kept bring up ‘Faces of Death’—videos labelled 18+ whose mere covers freaked me out as a kid in the video store—in comparison with all the disgusting Hamas-Israel snuff footage they have been subjecting media personalities too, which reminds me of that scene in Clockwork Orange. Another background I created from scratch.
No Agenda Episode #1607
My favourite podcast out there is No Agenda. As far as mainstream media analysis goes, these guys are the best I have ever heard. They promote Value for Value: meaning instead of ad revenue, listeners support the show 100% by providing time, talent or treasure. I often provide artwork for them while listening live; it is a fantastic art exercise! Here is the art I did for episode #1607.
A featured interview had a guy who kept saying “look!” (as many politicians do). However, his accent made it sound like he was saying Luke over and over. I used the French spelling to try and show the accent.
Lotsa talk about ‘nut graphs.’
No Agenda Episode # 1605
My favourite podcast out there is No Agenda. As far as mainstream media analysis goes, these guys are the best I have ever heard. They promote Value for Value: meaning instead of ad revenue, listeners support the show 100% by providing time, talent or treasure. I often provide artwork for them while listening live; it is a fantastic art exercise! Here is the art I did for episode #1605.
Yes, this episode was on November 5th.
This was a paper weaving I made. I made two nearly identical pieces—one on black paper, one on white—of all the lettering, then ripped them up and wove them together. Afterwards, I added the chess pieces and manipulated the font in post to make it pop more. Lots of work!
Every time I hear the term ‘Rules of War,’ all I hear is warmongers shouting “WAR RULES!”
I committed one of the greatest NA artist sins here—I tried to predict what they would talk about. I started this piece as the fat lady was singing assuming they would discuss the ‘What’s App’ scandal. They did not. LOL.
No Agenda Episode #1604 – Another Win!
My favourite podcast out there is No Agenda. As far as mainstream media analysis goes, these guys are the best I have ever heard. They promote Value for Value: meaning instead of ad revenue, listeners support the show 100% by providing time, talent or treasure. I often provide artwork for them while listening live; it is a fantastic art exercise! Here is the art I did for episode #1604. My piece “Routes” was the official selection for the episode!
This piece was the official selection for episode #1604!
John commented on the ridiculousness of this piece and I laughed my butt off. They had covered a news piece about the dangers of altered media (citing a photo of cocaine on Zelensky’s desk as example) and I wanted to make a piece of altered media that was so absurd it would be impossible to think of it as real. Hence the little polar bear on the pile of cocaine and clearly photoshopped edges.
No Agenda episode #1600
My favourite podcast out there is No Agenda. As far as mainstream media analysis goes, these guys are the best I have ever heard. They promote Value for Value: meaning instead of ad revenue, listeners support the show 100% by providing time, talent or treasure. I often provide artwork for them while listening live; it is a fantastic art exercise! Here is the art I did for episode #1600. I actually did a bunch of extra leg work for this special episode, including hunting down and photographing a bunch of classic radios, and building a 3’x3′ crazy board!
The yarn did not show up as well as I wanted and I had to beef up the colour in post. Unfortunately, I feel it made it weaker.
No Agenda #1599 – Two wins in a row!!
My favourite podcast out there is No Agenda. As far as mainstream media analysis goes, these guys are the best I have ever heard. They promote Value for Value: meaning instead of ad revenue, listeners support the show 100% by providing time, talent or treasure. I often provide artwork for them while listening live; it is a fantastic art exercise! Here is the art I did for episode #1599 and I won again! My piece, “What’s this all about?” was chosen for the episode. I realized afterwards that Hamas is spelled wrong; my bad as I kept calling them Hummus, lol. Still, a great piece. I am aiming for a hat trick!
This piece was the official selection for the episode!
No Agenda #1598 – Another Win!!
My favourite podcast out there is No Agenda. As far as mainstream media analysis goes, these guys are the best I have ever heard. They promote Value for Value: meaning instead of ad revenue, listeners support the show 100% by providing time, talent or treasure. I often provide artwork for them while listening live; it is a fantastic art exercise! Here is the art I did for episode #1598 and I won again! They used my play on the old ‘Lucky’ dog gag that was posted in my dad’s auto shop when I was a kid.
This was the official selection for the episode!
No Agenda #1596
My favourite podcast out there is No Agenda. As far as mainstream media analysis goes, these guys are the best I have ever heard. They promote Value for Value: meaning instead of ad revenue, listeners support the show 100% by providing time, talent or treasure. I often provide artwork for them while listening live; it is a fantastic art exercise! Here is the art I did for episode #1596.
No Agenda #1594
My favourite podcast out there is No Agenda. As far as mainstream media analysis goes, these guys are the best I have ever heard. They promote Value for Value: meaning instead of ad revenue, listeners support the show 100% by providing time, talent or treasure. I often provide artwork for them while listening live; it is a fantastic art exercise! Here is the art I did for episode #1594.
No Agenda #1592 – MY FIRST WIN!
My favourite podcast out there is No Agenda. As far as mainstream media analysis goes, these guys are the best I have ever heard. They promote Value for Value: meaning instead of ad revenue, listeners support the show 100% by providing time, talent or treasure. I often provide artwork for them while listening live; it is a fantastic art exercise. Here is the art I did for episode #1592 and I WON! My parachute piece was chosen for the episode cover and I couldn’t be more proud!
This piece entitled “EJECT!” was officially selected for episode #1592! My first win.
No Agenda #1590
My favourite podcast out there is No Agenda. As far as mainstream media analysis goes, these guys are the best I have ever heard. They promote Value for Value: meaning instead of ad revenue, listeners support the show 100% by providing time, talent or treasure. I often provide artwork for them—no official selections yet—but it is a fantastic art exercise. Here is the art I did for episode #1590.
No Agenda #1586
My favourite podcast out there is No Agenda. As far as mainstream media analysis goes, these guys are the best I have ever heard. They promote Value for Value: meaning instead of ad revenue, listeners support the show 100% by providing time, talent or treasure. I often provide artwork for them—no official selections yet—but it is a fantastic art exercise. Here is the art I did for episode #1586.
No Agenda #1566
My favourite podcast out there is No Agenda. As far as mainstream media analysis goes, these guys are the best I have ever heard. They promote Value for Value: meaning instead of ad revenue, listeners support the show 100% by providing time, talent or treasure. I often provide artwork for them—no official selections yet—but it is a fantastic art exercise. Here is the art I did for episode #1566.
Diagnosis… tummy ache!
No Agenda #1562
My favourite podcast out there is No Agenda. As far as mainstream media analysis goes, these guys are the best I have ever heard. They promote Value for Value: meaning instead of ad revenue, listeners support the show 100% by providing time, talent or treasure. I often provide artwork for them—no official selections yet—but it is a fantastic art exercise. Here is the art I did for episode #1562.
Happy Cancer Season!
Subtle Differences
Chart Brain
Not on the list…
Happy Gemini Season!
The Fault in our Stars
More tales of MERC-REGRET
Learn your Seasons!
No Agenda #1548
My favourite podcast out there is No Agenda. As far as mainstream media analysis goes, these guys are the best I have ever heard. They promote Value for Value: meaning instead of ad revenue, listeners support the show 100% by providing time, talent or treasure. I often provide artwork for them—no official selections yet—but it is a fantastic art exercise. Here is the art I did for episode #1548.
Happy Taurus Season!
No Agenda #1546
My favourite podcast out there is No Agenda. As far as mainstream media analysis goes, these guys are the best I have ever heard. They promote Value for Value: meaning instead of ad revenue, listeners support the show 100% by providing time, talent or treasure. I often provide artwork for them—no official selections yet—but it is a fantastic art exercise. Here is the art I did for episode #1546.
No Agenda #1544
My favourite podcast out there is No Agenda. As far as mainstream media analysis goes, these guys are the best I have ever heard. They promote Value for Value: meaning instead of ad revenue, listeners support the show 100% by providing time, talent or treasure. I often provide artwork for them—no official selections yet—but it is a fantastic art exercise. Here is the art I did for #1544.
No Agenda #1543
My favourite podcast out there is No Agenda. As far as mainstream media analysis goes, these guys are the best I have ever heard. They promote Value for Value: meaning instead of ad revenue, listeners support the show 100% by providing time, talent or treasure. I often provide artwork for them—no official selections yet—but it is a fantastic art exercise. I managed to call the title of this episode!

No Agenda #1540
My favourite podcast out there is No Agenda. As far as mainstream media analysis goes, these guys are the best I have ever heard. They promote Value for Value: meaning instead of ad revenue, listeners support the show 100% by providing time, talent or treasure. I often provide artwork for them—no official selections yet—but it is a fantastic art exercise.

No Agenda #1536
My favourite podcast out there is No Agenda. As far as mainstream media analysis goes, these guys are the best I have ever heard. They promote Value for Value: meaning instead of ad revenue, listeners support the show 100% by providing time, talent or treasure. I often provide artwork for them—no official selections yet—but it is a fantastic art exercise.

No Agenda #1534
My favourite podcast out there is No Agenda. As far as mainstream media analysis goes, these guys are the best I have ever heard. They promote Value for Value: meaning instead of ad revenue, listeners support the show 100% by providing time, talent or treasure. I often provide artwork for them—no official selections yet—but it is a fantastic art exercise.

No Agenda #1524
My favourite podcast out there is No Agenda. As far as mainstream media analysis goes, these guys are the best I have ever heard. They promote Value for Value: meaning instead of ad revenue, listeners support the show 100% by providing time, talent or treasure. I often provide artwork for them—no official selections yet—but it is a fantastic art exercise.

The Black Page Exercise
We often end up with unexpressed emotions that hide in the dark corners of our psyche and bodies. Over time, these fester and grow like hot embers in a dry field. Left unchecked, these emotions can leave you feeling like you are on the brink of a rage fit, meltdown, breakdown, etc. We may not even notice them, but the people in our lives will often take note that we seem “on edge” or “out-of-patience.” The Black Page exercise is a simple and fantastic exercise for expressing AND RELEASING these unacknowledged emotions be they: resentment, anger, sadness, grief, hurt and more.
1). Take a blank piece of paper and find a place where you can be left alone while you work.
2). Begin writing everything and anything that has ever upset you down on the paper. This can be situations that happened, words that were said, words that WEREN’T said, resentments, profanities… write it all down! Do not be concerned with it being legible—in fact it is often best if you don’t look at what you are writing. The focus is purging your bodies of all the negative baggage that have built up overtime. No one else will ever read this, so feel free to express ANYTHING you need to, even if it is mean or hurtful to others.
3). Once you begin to feel tired and have run out of things to write, your page will usually look like hot nonsense scribbled by a crazy person! It is called the black page exercise because people often write until it is just a black scribbly mess. You can now stop writing and take the page to a SAFE place for burning.
4). In an appropriate place (outside being the best), light one end of the page on fire. Watch the flames slowly consume the baggage you put on the page. Focus on taking deep, comfortable breaths. As the words turn from paper to flame to smoke allow them to be released. See them float off into the sky and disappear into the air. As the page finishes burning, say aloud:
“Thank you for teaching me what I needed to learn. I release you.”

New look and sound for Nightbird Radio
Value for value is a wonderful concept that has been traversing the internet. I first came across it listening to No Agenda and it not only feels good, IT MAKES SENSE. The concept is this: if someone is producing something that you get value out of, you can donate time, talent or treasure (money) to them. It is the energetic exchange necessary for giving long term value to the information/podcast/music/etc that enriches your life.
I find immense value in a podcast called Nightbird Radio podcast hosted by Timothy Sailor. I recently offered to redo his artwork and theme to show the value his podcast has brought me and many others. It is a supernatural/spirit/magic podcast with real stories from real folk living magical lives. Check it out!